Wednesday, December 10, 2014


"Hello, Mr. Chanterelle. I love your cap." This was a cute line I picked up from the movie Maleficent over the weekend. The quote, in isolation, is a lone bright spot in an otherwise dull movie but perhaps it caught my interest because mushrooms have been on my mind. In science class (my day job involves shadowing and assisting students in their classes) we're learning that mushrooms are decomposers, that is, they break down dead organisms. This struck me as interesting as I imagined mushrooms acting as an appertif, breaking down the food in our stomach following a meal. While such a process likely rests in my imagination, mushrooms, in reality, carry a great deal of benefits for us. They contain loads of vitamin B as well as minerals such as copper, phosphorus and manganese. The kicker from thinking about mushrooms to writing about them on the blog came in the form of a New York Times article by Martha Rose Shulman. In it, she explains the benefits of mushrooms while incorporating them into tasty recipes. Here article can be found here.  

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