Jojoba oil: for dry lips
Coconut oil mixed with granulated sugar
for rough feet and elbows
In terms of jojoba oil, I went to look for some at the Vitamin Shoppe (although I would assume Whole Foods or any other natural food store would carry it). It turned out to be more expensive than I thought at $13.99 where I was thinking $8.99 would be the norm. There were other oils next to it such as witch hazel, vitamin E oil and Argan oil. I went with the Argan oil which was roughly the same price. I came home and put it on my lips and after three hours, I noticed they were slightly dry (not as dry and they would have otherwise been). I plan to use this product and will report on how it progresses.
In terms of coconut oil mixed with granulated sugar, the post explained how one should mix the solid oil and sugar together in what I believe was a three to one measurement (with coconut oil being the greater one). Once you have scrubbed the area of need, as always, wash it off.
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